Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Learning with Technology in the 21st Century

    Since many of the links we used for homework for our Connectivity Class suggest starting a Blog, I decided to use one I already have (but haven't been using much lately) as a forum for my assignment.  We are supposed to create a technological wonder that shows what we've learned so far.
    One of my goals this year is to use more technology with my students.  I am ever amazed at the motivation it creates.  I try to get some form of technology into the classroom a few times a week, either our computer carts or our iPad cart.  We started out Blogging on  Amazing!  I have 2nd and 3rd grade gifted students, and they took off with Blogging.  I like Kidblog because the setting I use allows me to have to "approve" any posts or comments, including those from parents or outside sources.  The other "new" thing I've been trying is using Edmodo.  I'm not good at putting videos on - still working on that.  My first thought was to "Flip" our science unit on Matter.  Once I get the video thing ironed out, I plan to continue with this.  We are also doing some of our Book Club thinking on Edmodo.  I put prompts there, and the students reply to the prompts and also to each other.  Then when we chat about the book we already have ideas to share and develop.
   Technology can be overwhelming, but it's well worth the time and effort in the motivation and quality work I get from my students!